Friday, 22 February 2013

Welcome to the Blogspace of the McPoodle Chieftain


Some of you may know me as that girl who works in telly and blogs about it lots and you would be right in thinking that because I do. The trouble is that I also spend a lot of time when I'm not working in telly making things and up until now I didn't have anywhere to share my creations on the world wide web. This has recently changed because I've now plastered myself all over the net. On Twitter, on Facebook, on Pinterest, on Instructables and I also sell the crafty things that didn't turn out too bad on Folksy as well as blogging about things of no importance.

I'll be posting lots of photos of the things I make on here and sharing hints and tips with you of how to go about making your own things. I wont however be posting video tutorials due to the fact that I'm rubbish on camera. Seriously, I turn into a right goon as soon as there's a camera pointing at me so all my charisma will have to come via the written word I'm afraid.

I'm also planning a few competitions where you can win some of my hand made things so be sure to follow me on the social media outlets of your choice to ensure you'll be kept posted on all the latest happenings.

Until next time....over and out and thanks for popping by.

ps. Here's something I made for myself last week. I wanted to immortalise last years Gene Hunt calendar and so I turned it into what 2012 was all about for me...bunting! I like to call it my Gene Bunt.

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